Books for NID/NIFT CEED preparation, Part – 2

There are some great products/ideas/rules/techniques which we don’t know about in the beginning of our career and it really helps if someone can tell us about the right things at the right time. there are thing we explore/discover/realise during our journey and wish if we had that knowledge earlier in life and we would haveContinue reading “Books for NID/NIFT CEED preparation, Part – 2”

6 Great books for Design Managers, SDM students and product design graduates

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products In Hooked, Nir Eyal reveals how successful companies create products people can’t put down – and how you can too Winner of best Marketing book in 800-CEO-READ Business Book Awards 2014 Why do some products capture our attention while others flop? What makes us engage with certain things outContinue reading “6 Great books for Design Managers, SDM students and product design graduates”

What is design management and how do you plan your career once you’re 3-4 years into a UX design career?

Design management is basically understanding the business side of design which includes things like investment of time and money on project, quality of resources, materials, marketing budget, technology, platform etc and its ROI (return on investment) Once you know how to design an app ( UI/UX part of it), finding how to build it, marketContinue reading “What is design management and how do you plan your career once you’re 3-4 years into a UX design career?”

Should I join some coaching Institute for the CEED/NID/NIFT entrance exam preparation or do self study ?

Its upto you, actually there is no need, coaching institutes are not encouraged by design colleges like NID/NIFT and IITs. Specially when there are so many online resources available these days, you can prepare for free and use that money to buy stationery, tools and good books. here are the materials you need to startContinue reading “Should I join some coaching Institute for the CEED/NID/NIFT entrance exam preparation or do self study ?”

What is the best way to get started with UI (user interface) design?

Ui is basically graphic design for digital products so i would suggest you to read best books on graphic design and simultaneously practice on photoshop and other tools to learn hands on skills. Go step by step and dont jump directly to youtube tutorials, learn the basics first from some good authors and industry leadersContinue reading “What is the best way to get started with UI (user interface) design?”

Can I become a self-made graphic designer and earn a living?

Yes startups generally hire self taught designers. sure you can study graphic design on your own but plz read quality books and have some mentors. Don’t just start with random graphic design tutorials on YouTube. READ QUALITY TEXT BOOKS at start and build a good fundamental understanding before you jump to Internet. SHARE YOUR WORKContinue reading “Can I become a self-made graphic designer and earn a living?”